

ICAN Paris Forum

Thursday, 12th March 2020

We had a great time working at the ICAN Paris Forum. We had the opportunity to broadcast live some of their great debates and at the same time, we were mandated to produce daily wrap-up videos. 

Compelling stories and a community of engaged actors working together to ban nuclear weapons in the world.

Check out all the live recordings 👉 https://www.icanw.org/ican_paris_forum_the_livestreams

"Thanks again for the fantastic collaboration. We are very happy with all the products: people loved the daily wrap-ups, and the final video really captured the energy in the room and all the different aspects of activism and what it takes to make real change in the world that came up on stage. The Livestream also really generated a lot of excitement and an expectation for future events to do the same, and having access to all the footage means we'll be able to use this content throughout the year." Lucero Oyarzun, Digital Campaign Coordinator, ICAN